Help; RE: [lazarus] Form designer

Peter Vreman pfvreman at
Thu Aug 12 18:00:14 EDT 1999

At 19:52 12-8-99 , you wrote:
>Look at the makefile in the lazarus directory.
>Line 21 should say DEFAULTFPCDIR=..
>and line 24 is
>NEEDUNITDIR etc  You have to add the path here.  Find and add 
>that path there.
NO! You shouldn't change that line in the Makefile. It's just a 
misconfigured path. The makefiles are perfect, i tried them also on other 
pc's which didn't have ppc386 installed before and they worked perfectly.

btw. How do all those 'Re:' come in the subject line ? Looks like someone 
is using a strange email program which doesn't know that Re: shouldn't be 
prefixed with another Re:

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