Help; RE: [lazarus] Form designer
Peter Vreman
pfvreman at
Sat Aug 14 06:55:49 EDT 1999
At 06:08 14-8-99 , you wrote:
>Hi, Sam. I followed the HOW-TO it exactly, and ended up doing this:
>0. Install the latest stable gtk and glib (1.2.3). Probably, you should
>install the gtk-devel and glib-devel stuff.
>1. Install the compiler via the binary (not source) RPM. This gives you a
>working fpc compiler with which to compile a later (not THE latest) compiler
>2. Set up FPCDIR=/opt/fpc in your ~/.bashrc (and logout/in again)
>3. Now get the LATEST SNAPSHOT source from the FPC site and extract it into
>/usr/local/src/whatever and configure ; make ; make install. Now edit the
>/etc/ppc386.cfg file, adding paths to files that are not found. If a .ppu
>file is missing, find the .pp source directory and "make clean ; make"
>there. Should that work, and the resulting compiler will be able to compile
>the BLEEDING EDGE compiler source in the CVS (in /opt/fpc/compiler).
The latest released compiler should be able to compile the bleeding edge
compiler. When it can't be done then it's a bug!
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