[lazarus] CVS updated]

Samuel Liddicott sam at campbellsci.co.uk
Tue Aug 17 05:33:35 EDT 1999

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Bukovjan [mailto:mbukovjan at netscape.net]
> Sent: 17 August 1999 12:05 PM
> To: lazarus at miraclec.com
> Subject: Re: [lazarus] CVS updated]
> BTW, does the CompStyle property need to be there?
> Since gtkint sees all classes involved, we could do instead of
> if TControl(Self).fCompStyle = csComboBox then
> this :
> if TControl(Self) is TCustomComboBox then
> In Delphi, there is no such property (CompStyle).

I am planning to change this; CreateParams.WinClassName will hold the text
"csComboBox" that is currently held in fCompStyle.

This value will be filled by the control when when CreateParams is called.

I have:

Procedure TWinControl.CreateWnd;
  Params : TCreateParams;
  // Params.WinClassName now contains GTK compstyle
  { Somehow use the GTK unit to create object but I haven't looked that up
yet }

So I think we should remove fCompStyle from the control declaration.

Could some CVS wizard let me know the chances of successfully combining my
changes given that the CVS is now running away without me and I can't do any
more checkouts for fear of loosing mu own changes.  Or can I somehow combine
the current CVS and keep my own changes ready for checking in?


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