[lazarus] Setting callbacks

Alexandre Grenier o4 at nova.bell.ca
Mon Dec 6 11:15:04 EST 1999

> I have no problem moving the SetCallback into another function and 
> having it called at a "more appropriate" time.  
> However, we have made some changes (createwnd, interfaceobject) 
> that we shouldn't have made because we are still recovering from 
> these.  Lets get something (ANYTHING) up and running as is and 
> then make these changes.  The events work now, let's geet the 
> editor working and start developing the IDE.  I would hate to make 
> changes that would delay the development of the editor, which we 
> need badly.

I think all this is due to a lack of managagement and structure 
planning! =o) Instead of getting something (anything!) working, perhaps 
Marc's example should be followed, and it would be a very high priority 
to plan and complete the base classes first. Perhaps doing so in a way 
that will simplify using higher level inheriting classes as well as 
creating new ones, but while keeping extreme flexibility already offered 
by the OO design.

Perhaps developping the base classes in parallel with let's say a 
TButton, and once all is simplified and optimized for that, create 
something a bit more complex.. and adapt the base classes as well as 
TButton for the changes.. after a few components, the base classes 
should have the exact structure they need to accomodate the whole LCL.

If that did not make any sense.. then just ignore me =o)


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