[lazarus] TToolbar
Marc Weustink
weus at quicknet.nl
Thu Dec 9 16:53:42 EST 1999
At 15:56 09-12-99 -0600, you wrote:
>Can I select a COLOR using that API? I just glanced at it but didn't see
you changing color at all....
Yes. You can use CreatePenIndirect for pens, CreateBrushIndirect for brushes.
>I have to create a DRAWEDGE function (easy) so I'll maybe use that....
If you look at the MoveToEx and LineTo functions, you can add the api:
function TgtkObject.DrawEdge(hdc: HDC; var Rect: TRect; edge: UINT;
grfFlags: Cardinal): Boolean;
WriteLN(Format('[TgtkObject.DrawEdge] DC:0x%x, X:%d, Y:%d', [DC, X, Y]));
Result := IsValidDC(DC);
if Result
then with PDeviceContext(DC)^ do
if GC = nil
then begin
WriteLn('[TgtkObject.DrawEdge] Uninitialized GC');
Result := False;
else begin
// your routines to select the proper lines.....
// your call to select a color here
gdk_draw_line(Drawable, GC, a.X, a.Y, b.X, b.Y);
// your call to select a color here
gdk_draw_line(Drawable, GC, a.X, b.Y, b.X, a.Y);
//Etc ....
Result := True;
Or something like that.
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