AW: AW: [lazarus] A hope.

Thomas Singer singer at
Thu Dec 16 03:57:04 EST 1999

>> ...
>> what do you mean with interfaces? Interface and implementation in
>> pascal/delphi manner or interfaces in java-manner?
>Is there a difference? I think pascal/delphi interface are the same
>in Java, but Borland abuses them to support COM.
With Delphi interface I mean the following:

unit test;

interface { stuff that could be seen from out of unit test. }

  function test01( a: integer ): integer;

implementation { this stuff is only visible within the unit test. }

  function test01( a: integer ): integer;
    result := a + 1;


With Java interfaces I mean the possibility to define totally abstract
classes (only method headers, no implementation), that could be used for
multiple inheritence. A (real) Java-class could have only one superclass,
but none or more interfaces. Clear?


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