[lazarus] TCustomControl

Osman Sen osen at noble.com.tr
Fri Dec 17 00:25:14 EST 1999

Hello !
Well, i can develop components for Win32 in Delphi, but i dont know how to
work with GTK. I see the class TCustomControl exists and i think it can be
used to develop custom controls similarly.

I tried to port my TInspector control (an object inspector) and did it
partially. I had to port Delphi's "Design Interface Unit" (DsgnIntf.pas) to
do that and i think it is illegal. But it seems that some prior problems
exist with the subject. Maybe the
source i have (copy of 8.12.99) has only :)
-> TCustomControl does not support scroll stuff correctly and has refresh
problems (with Invalidate method).
->TEdit does not seem to work.
->TCanvas does not have TextRect and drawing with it seems to be a bit slow.

And I wonder what you imagine about Lazarus' object inspector... Just as
Delphi's or else (like seperate dialogs generated with a few parameters or a
script for each component).
Or maybe
  something with a check could be used for boolean and set properties,
  a spinedit for integer props.
or any type of control that enables modifying values with an interface:

  TPropEditControl=class  // base class for modifying prop values.
      property PropEdit: TPropertyEditor ...;
        // property that's being edited
      property PropControl: TControl ...;
        // Control to be used for editing,
        //(An Edit,SpinEdit,Checkbox,Combobox or a button for a dialog...)

and object inspector should use the PropEditControls to edit the properties.
There'll be default PropEditControls and anyone will be able to register
his/her custom classes... So custom "PropEditControl"s should be coded
instead of "PropertyEditor"s. This means a different DsgnIntf unit for
I know it's a further subject but imaginations give us motivation :) OK?

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