[lazarus] I've gotten a little further...

Jeffrey A. Wormsley daworm at cdc.net
Thu Jul 1 19:11:17 EDT 1999

I installed the full fpc 12 install over the top of the old fpc tree.  Now
I can rebuild the compiler.  However, I still can recompile the fpc, which
is the first step in the HowTo FAQ section question 2, How do I compile

Here's the message it gives me...

[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\fcl>make
e:/opt/fpc/bin/win32/make.exe -C win32 all
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `e:/opt/fpc/fcl/win32'
ppc386.exe -Twin32 -S2  -Fue:\opt\fpc/rtl/win32 -Fue:\opt\fpc/units/win32
inc -Fi../i386 -FE.  -di386 ../inc/inifiles.pp
Fatal: Can't compile unit SYSWIN32, no sources available
make.exe[1]: *** [inifiles.ppw] Error 1
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `e:/opt/fpc/fcl/win32'
make.exe: *** [all] Error 2

I think it has to do with the / vs \ between DOS and *nix.  If I change
into the win32 directory like so...

[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\fcl>cd win32

and enter the command that failed, replacing the / with \ I get this...

[WINDOZE] E:\opt\fpc\fcl\win32>ppc386.exe -Twin32 -S2
-Fue:\opt\fpc\rtl\win32 -F
ue:\opt\fpc\units\win32 -Fi..\inc -Fi..\i386 -FE. -di386 classes.pp

This would appear to have worked.

Any ideas?


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