[lazarus] Latest source is attached.

Shane Miller smiller at lakefield.net
Fri Jul 2 21:20:17 EDT 1999

I'm a bit confused yet on the implementation.  Do you have any code that
shows this yet?
I think I understand but if I understood when/how you used Dispatch(str) I
think I would understand a bit better.  Does that actually work now?  Does
it send a "string" message to the "self" component?  Are we supposed to do
that after we receive a "signal" or does that replace it?

If it replaces it, how do we watch for a resize without trapping the signal
from the gtk widget?


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A. Hess <mhess at miraclec.com>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Friday, July 02, 1999 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Latest source is attached.

>Shane Miller wrote:
>Let me throw my hat into this fire. I hope this doesn't confuse the
>issue. FPC already has a messaging system built in. I was having
>problems getting it working a few weeks ago and due to other commitments
>that many of us seemed to have at the same time I didn't get much
>further with it. I had planned on doing some this weekend. Any way here
>is how I had started trying to do the messaging thing.
>If you remember I first started with the GUIapi.pp file. This was
>suppose to be the file that was standard as far as access from the FCL
>but it would have different version for each type of API (GTK, QT) that
>you are using. It relys on the messaging built into the FPC.
>I am using the TForm as an example since that is what I was working
>with. First you would create the message routines in the class
>definition like thus:
>TCustomForm = class(TWinControl)
>   procedure DoDestroy(Self : TCustomForm); message 'destroy';
>   procedure DoShow(Self : TCustomForm); message 'show';
>   procedure DoFocus(Self : TCustomForm); message 'focus';
>procedure TCustomForm.DoDestroy(Self : TCustomForm);
>   if Assigned (FOnDestroy) then
>      FOnDestroy(Self);
>{ do the same for DoShow and DoFocus }
>constructor TCustomForm.Create(AOwner : TComponent);
>GUIAPI_Set_Callback('destroy', Self)
>GUIAPI_Set_Callback('show', Self)
>GUIAPI_Set_Callback('focus', Self)
>destructor TCustomForm.Destroy;
>   GUIAPI_Remove_Callback(Self);
>   inherited Destroy
>That is all that is needed in the actual FCL code for any component. If
>you write a component that inherits this one it gets these messages plus
>any that you add to your new component. When you send a message to a
>TControl it will try and find a matching message assigned to the
>control. If it can't find one it moves up through the parent chain until
>it does find it.
>I haven't shown the code that is required in Tcontrol that gets the
>signal from GUIAPI but all call backs from the API in this case GTK is
>tied to just one routine which then calls DispatchStr(signal) to send
>the message off to the control.
>Does anyone understand what I am attempting here? I have all of this
>already coded in a version of Lazarus that I was working with trying to
>make this work. However when I was trying this about 5-6 weeks ago the
>compiler was still having problems with all that procedure pointer and
>ansistring stuff. I think most of that is fixed now and I have hopes
>that this will now work.
>What this means is that we can separate all the call backs and all the
>gtk calls into an independent file that just has routines that the FCL
>know about and calls regardless of the API being used. This would then
>start to allow people to easily write their own GUIAPI file for their
>favorite API without effecting the core of the FCL.
>I can get back to working on this this weekend and try and get it
>==== Programming my first best destiny! ====
>Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
>mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com
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