[lazarus] So close I can smell it...
Jeffrey A. Wormsley
daworm at cdc.net
Sat Jul 3 13:44:58 EDT 1999
Ok, I change my copy of the lazarus makefile. The old line was:
#NEEDUNITDIR=../fcl/$(OS_TARGET) ../rtl/linux ../gtk
which I commented out, and made the new line:
NEEDUNITDIR=../fcl/$(OS_TARGET) ../rtl ../gtk
Now I get the following... (top line missing, only 25 row screen mode)
ppc386.exe -Twin32 -Fue:/pp/source/rtl/win32 -Fue:/pp/source/units/win32
/fcl/win32 -Fu../rtl -Fu../gtk -FE. -di386 lazarus.pp
Free Pascal Compiler version 0.99.12a [1999/06/24] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-98 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Win32 for i386
Compiling lazarus.pp
Compiling forms.pp
Compiling main.pp
Compiling editor.pp
Compiling dialogs.pp
dialogs.pp(67,1) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
dialogs.pp(75,1) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
dialogs.pp(83,1) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
dialogs.pp(141,9) Error: Identifier not found GTK_FILE_SELECTION_COMPLETE
dialogs.pp(142,46) Error: Illegal expression
dialogs.pp(193,10) Error: Identifier not found GTK_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DESTROY
dialogs.pp(193,95) Error: Illegal expression
dialogs.pp(194,10) Error: Identifier not found GTK_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DESTROY
dialogs.pp(194,99) Error: Illegal expression
dialogs.pp(195,10) Error: Identifier not found GTK_SIGNAL_HANDLERS_DESTROY
dialogs.pp(195,63) Error: Illegal expression
Fatal: There were 8 errors compiling module, stopping
make.exe: *** [lazarus.exe] Error 1
I must be very close now!
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