[lazarus] Debug class

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Tue Jul 6 15:18:44 EDT 1999

One question yet.  OK, I can put uses guiapp in the implementation portion of TControl.

Where is DoDispatchStr supposed to be?  I know someone replied saying it should be in guiapp but then why the calling convention TControl(data).DoDispatchStr?  Should it be TObject(data).DispatchStr();?  Why notr just call TObject's dispatchStr from here?


>>> "Michael A. Hess" <mhess at miraclec.com> 07/06 1:48 PM >>>
Shane Miller wrote:
> Where are you located?

North East Pa. - WilkesBarre-Scranton area.

> I'd like to get a chat going between you , Cliff and I either over the
> net or on the phone.

No problem. It is about 2:52 PM here and I will be heading home from
this current job at 3:00 PM we can talk after 4:00PM.

> I see now how you plan on implementing the messages.  I finally
> understand, I think, how you plan on implementing the envents and
> such, but the need for TControl to call guiapp is going to mess us up
> alot.

Not at all. Just declare the "uses guiapi" in the correct location as
indicated in previous email.   :-) 

Talk at you later,
==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com 

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