[lazarus] Patches to Shanes files

P Jean dit Bailleul jeanditbailleulp at em.agr.ca
Thu Jul 8 13:03:07 EDT 1999

At 13:04 08/07/99 -0400, you wrote:
>P Jean dit Bailleul wrote:
>> Well perhaps a solution which is not the best one but...
>> newpchar := StrAlloc(Length(StringVar)+1);
>> For i:=1 To Length(AString) Do
>>   NewPChar[i - 1]:=AString[i];
>> NewPChar[Length(AString)]:=#0;
>> If does not work, you'l be in big troubles!
>Oh we did that one last night. It worked correctly for the StrPCopy but
>then we get an exception out of a gtk routine. It solved it but doesn't
>explain what is the root of the problem.

If this work but not the StrPCopy, there some bug in the StrPCopy
implementation since it should be the same in both. an other try you could
is add a null (#0) char at the end of the string, then do the StrPCopy


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