[lazarus] Longstring issue w/Lazarus

Peter Vreman pfvreman at wins.uva.nl
Thu Jul 8 19:17:00 EDT 1999

At 21:18 8-7-99 , you wrote:
>I compiled and ran the newlaz from ftp://ftp.miraclec.com/lazarus this
>afternoon.  It failed compile in stdcontrols lines 340,341,342.  I commented
>these lines out and it compiled OK and ran.  There were evident problem with
>string in the menus and failed gtk_signal_... calls.
>To trace down the menu anomoly, I chose VIEW | Object Inspector init.
>main.pp (287) itmViewInspector.Caption := 'Object Inspection';
>                      itmViewInspector = TmenuItem
>menus.pp (23) TMenuItem = class(TWinControl)
>controls.pp(121) TWinControl = class(TControl)
>controls.pp(68) TControl = class(TComponent)
>                          private
>                              FCaption : TCaption
>                          public
>                              property Caption:TCaption read GetText write
>vclglobals.pp (64) TCaption = string;
>Well that was not so bad.  Something MVC said about long/short strings and
>{H+} was in the back of my mind so I placed a {$H+} in vclglobals after
>{$mode objfcl} and recompiled...
>Assembling lazarus
>Linking ./lazarus
>5822 Lines compiled, 3.0 sec
>Panic : Internal compiler error, exiting.
>Fatal: Internal error 9999
>make: *** [lazarus] Error 1
>[root at a202-073 newlaz]#
>Mind you, this is the only change I made after a successful compie before.
>Does this mean something to the gurus?
Please tell next time which compiler date you're using (or use -l to show 
it for the copy&paste). I'll take a look at it.

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