[lazarus] Test case for internal error 10998

Brian Ryner bryner at uiuc.edu
Sun Jul 11 17:02:56 EDT 1999


The attached test case demonstrates the sort of crash I'm getting when
attempting to compile programs that use the Graphics unit.  To see the

tar zxvf crash-10998.tar.gz
cd test
make graphics
make crashit

and you should see:

graphics.pp(7,14) Fatal: Internal error 10998

These are all stripped down versions of various files from lazarus and
gtk, just what was needed to cause the crash.  Interesting things to

- In graphics.pp, if you make FColor be a type other than TColor, the
crash does not happen
- If you do "make crashit" without compiling graphics first, the crash
does not happen.
- If the position of "glib" in the uses line of vclglobals.pp is
switched (or if it is removed), the crash does not happen.

Ideas, anyone?

-Brian Ryner
bryner at uiuc.edu
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