[lazarus] Lazarus messaging

michael at tfdec1.fys.kuleuven.ac.be michael at tfdec1.fys.kuleuven.ac.be
Mon Jul 12 13:36:44 EDT 1999

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Shane Miller wrote:

> Yes.  I see that.  that is very cool, and actually works!  I got the insert text signal working for TMemo.  It send the record to it so it knows what's been added.  Pretty slick.
> My biggest problem I am having now is to find some way for the TMemo to realize that it's been changed.  If people do a 
> Memo1.Lines.Add('This is cool!'); I have to find a way to let the TMemo class know something was added to it's lines property.  I believe it's done through TMemoStrings.SetUpdateState but I'm not quite sure yet.

Simply set the TStrings OnChange event:

Constructor TMemo.Create (AOwner : TComponent)


Any time the MemoStrngs stringlist changes, you are notified.


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