[lazarus] Lazarus Built Manufacturing Software

Baeseman, Cliff Cliff.Baeseman at greenheck.com
Wed Jul 14 17:20:29 EDT 1999

Gents I am going to put our components to the test in a real world solution.

I have been tasked to build some software to run a right angle shears. It
will run on linux and what it is supposed to do is determine from a given
list of parts the best fit for cutting squares out of a sheet of metal and
uplaoding the job via printer port to 
a machine the cnc instructions to cut it. I told them I would do it only if
I can use Linux , FPC and Lazarus to do it.

They said cool give it a try...


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- "Look, I'm a computer programmer. I don't have time for girls,
but a talking frog is very very cool."

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