[lazarus] Error report

Jeffrey A. Wormsley daworm at cdc.net
Thu Jul 15 20:26:07 EDT 1999

Haven't had time to do much today after working on the HowTo, I'm on
vacation and that means housecleaning.  You bachelors out there no how hard
that can be when you let it go!

Anyway, on a break, I decided to play with the latest, and found this
problem.  If you open two files in the editor, then close them with the X,
then exit lazarus, you get the following error...

Event [destroy] fired for E:\pp\source\lazarus\buttons.pp
FORM received a DESTROY
Event [destroy] fired for
Event [destroy] fired for E:\pp\source\lazarus\comctrls.pp
FORM received a DESTROY
Event [destroy] fired for
Event [activate] fired for File
Menu received a message - CLICKED
Event [activate] fired for Quit
Menu received a message - CLICKED
Destroying signals for TForm
Destroying signals for TForm
Destroying signals for TForm
An unhandled exception occurred at 0041F14F :
Access violation

It doesn't happen with just one form, and I haven't tried three.  You have
to close the form with the X, because File|Close doesn't work.

Just thought I'd let you know.


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