[lazarus] Brand New Win32 Developer Quick Start Install and "Web Site Updates"
C.DEVISE at wanadoo.fr
Fri Jul 16 07:42:51 EDT 1999
I've just dowloaded this kit, it's a great idea (I never could compile before,
and I see it for the first time. It really installed in 20 seconds...). It will
put Lazarus on the wheels.
It's a very good job. I'm an application programmer, and i'm not very good on
system things, but
If I can help, I would sent bug reports to you. (to whom ?);
What about designing forms & components on it (a la Delphi ?) Is it planned ?
It would be a good idea to prepare such a release, periodiccally say every week,
with stable options.
for now I think it would be interesting to get the compiler available from
inside Lazarus Ide
(how is it possible to do a 'WinExec' WinAPI equivalent ?)
Altough it's a great deal to compete with Delphi, I'm sure you're on the right
Congratulations for all the staff, and Hold on !
Cliff Baeseman a écrit :
> Gents,
> I put together a brand new lazarus Win32 Developer quick install. Using
> this you should be able to install everything and compile lazarus in 20 sec
> or less. The only way I could possibly make it easier is to use a
> professional installation tool to build a self exetracting deal that would
> install it.
> go to the source download page on the web site http://www.pcpros.net/~vbman
> and download the quick start kit. This download is 3.9 meg but it sure makes
> getting up and running a trivial task.
> 1. Unzip this file to C:\ <--- important "No Warranty if installed
> elsewhere"
> You will then have a directory c:\pp with a bunch of sub directories...
> 3. Copy the contents(dll's) of the gtkdlls subdirectory to c:\windows or
> c:\winnt
> 4. Copy lazbuild.bat in the batchfiles subdirectory to C:\ <--- important
> "No Warranty if installed elsewhere"
> 5. run lazbuild.bat
> Done!
> "You are now ready to hack away at the code in c:\pp\spource\lazarus"
> Make all of the changes you wan't and just run lazbuild.bat to recompile
> Note* The executable will be generated in C:\pp\source\lazarus\lazarus.exe
> "Click to run"
> GTK FCL Lazarus and the Latest Compiler and everything you need is
> precompiled and included it is not necessary to have any of that code to run
> this.
> Any questions just holler ;) It's 1:00 am and I am going to bed....
> Cliff Baeseman
> Lazarus Project
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