[lazarus] Win32 Lazarus Compiler contains a Virus! "Scan is Showing Nothing of the Sort"
Baeseman, Cliff
Cliff.Baeseman at greenheck.com
Fri Jul 16 12:58:25 EDT 1999
This very well could be an error in your virus scanning package. My scanner
is not picking up anything of the sort... Macafee... With the very latest
The win32 distro on my site is clean....
-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Wood [mailto:icm_solutions at hotmail.com]
Sent: Friday, July 16, 1999 10:13 AM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: [lazarus] Win32 Lazarus Compiler contains a Virus!
A couple weeks ago, a zip file containing a Win32 version of Lazarus was
distributed to this group via email. After installing it, I found that many
of the executable files were infected with the Cold3527 virus. Please be
aware that some of your lazarus files in the pp/bin/win32 directory may also
be infected, and should be removed from your system to be replaced by clean
-Jim Wood
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