[lazarus] Win32 Lazarus Compiler contains a Virus! "Scan is Showing Nothing of the Sort"

Payne Thomas E CNIN payne_t at crane.navy.mil
Fri Jul 16 14:48:21 EDT 1999

I just Updated Norton AntiVirus,  Nothing found on the 5/3/99 files on my


 Directory of C:\pp\bin\win32

07/16/99  08:59a        <DIR>          .
07/16/99  08:59a        <DIR>          ..
07/11/99  07:32p               900,866 ppc386r.exe
06/24/99  04:06p                16,184 ppudump.exe
06/24/99  04:06p                13,670 ppumove.exe
06/24/99  04:06p                 9,386 ppdep.exe
06/24/99  04:06p                15,622 ptop.exe
06/24/99  04:06p                35,665 h2pas.exe
05/11/98  01:01p               121,788 asw.exe
05/11/98  12:59p                66,552 arw.exe
05/11/98  01:00p               112,251 stripw.exe
06/16/97  03:25p               141,200 windres.h
05/11/98  01:00p                89,711 windres.exe
05/11/98  01:01p               114,599 ldw.exe
05/03/99  11:10a               334,196 gdbw.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                36,804 cmp.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                55,488 cp.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                38,620 date.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                71,480 diff.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                23,976 echo.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                48,732 ginstall.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                50,176 grep.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                91,772 make.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                50,476 mv.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                71,572 patch.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                24,600 pwd.exe
05/03/99  11:05a                47,428 rm.exe
05/12/99  01:43p                53,936 upx.exe
07/03/99  02:10p                 5,694 ppc386.cfg
07/13/99  05:09p               209,441 ppc386.exe
              30 File(s)      2,851,885 bytes
                             70,901,760 bytes free


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Michael A. Hess [SMTP:mhess at miraclec.com]
> Sent:	Friday, July 16, 1999 1:27 PM
> To:	lazarus at miraclec.com
> Subject:	Re: [lazarus] Win32 Lazarus Compiler contains a Virus! "Scan
> is Showing   Nothing of the Sort"
> "Baeseman, Cliff" wrote:
> > 
> > I am going to send a message to the vendor asking him about the false
> > alarm.!
> > 
> > Thanx for the info though...
> You are sure it is Cliff? I downloaded the package he was using to try
> it and it does report a virus in some but not all of the files. The
> files that it does report the problem were all built on exactly the same
> day or copied from the same source on the same day. All but 4 of the
> files with dates 5/3/99 report the virus. The clean ones were gdbw.exe,
> date.exe, echo.exe, and pwd.exe. The rest for that date report the
> problem.
> -- 
> ==== Programming my first best destiny! ====
> Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
> mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com
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