[RE: [lazarus] Components:]

P Jean dit Bailleul jeanditbailleulp at em.agr.ca
Fri Jul 16 15:02:35 EDT 1999

At 19:56 16/07/99 +0200, you wrote:
>On Fri, Jul 16, 1999 at 08:21:38AM -0400, P Jean dit Bailleul wrote:
>> At 23:49 15/07/99 +0200, you wrote:
>> >At 17:45 15-7-99 , you wrote:
>> >>P Jean dit Bailleul wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > I've some code in C to read/write BMP file. Do you want it?
>> >>
>> >>If you could turn it into Pascal code that would be great.
>> >
>> >Why don't we add a possibility with using (gdk_)imlib under linux? That 
>> >will allow a lot of bitmap types and even caching of them.
>> My code support OS2 and Windows 4, 8, 16 and 24 bits bitmaps either
>> grayscaled or color. I'm still having troubles with palettes. Since the
>> code will be in the Lazarus, it will *just* require a recompilation to run
>> under any platform.
>I've already ported something similar to pascal, maybe you can use it if
>you've problems with your code. The base for my port was an article in the
>DDJ some years ago, it can also read OS/2 and Win bitmaps with different
>color depths.

Any help is appreciate, so yes you can send it

>I can send you the code or integrate it myself. I've been quite busy
>during the week but I think I can do it until Monday morning.

I'll try to implement the TBitmap this week end. Now, there nothing (i've
just check a few things in Delphi and windows API yesterday to see how it
is done). I'll tell you on moday if i have some troubles (and perhaps, ask
for help).


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