[lazarus] Better proposition for debug code.

Peter Vreman pfvreman at wins.uva.nl
Wed Jul 21 08:36:52 EDT 1999

> Hello,
> May I remind you that the compiler supports the ASSERT() construct of Delphi;
> that you can specify a
>   AssertErrorProc
> which takes care of the asserts ?
> This means that you can have the whole debug class stuff without the
> juggling with macros.
> Just do a
>  Assert(False,'Some debug message');
> The assertErrorProc will then give you the line number, source file and this message.
> Assert code is compiled in or not depending on the LOCAL switch:
> So they can be switched on or off at will, if they are off, no code is even generated.
> better yet; you can implement debug levels thus:
>  Assert(Debug.Debuglevel>2,'Some serious error');
>  Assert(Debug.DebugLevel=3,'Some esoteric error');
> Just an idea; why use ugly constructs with macros if you can have more (i.e. source
> and line number) with this compiler construct ?
Even in gtk and all other big libraries asserts are used. See all the
error messages from gtk you'll get, they are all assert() calls.


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