[lazarus] Delphi/TSE, Lazarus/X

Chris G. Royle cgr at dialabed.co.za
Thu Jul 22 02:29:13 EDT 1999

> Why not stick to Interbase ? FPC supports it.

The 'free' Linux version of Interbase is only version 4.0 or 4.2, while the
commercial version is almost six. I currently have 4 running, and it works
HOWEVER reading the licensing, it would appear that one is only allowed to
run this on Red Hat 5.2. I don't have a problem with paying for software -
just the high prices charged. I am currently developing in South Africa,
where a 25 user Interbase licence would cost the equivalent of an
individual's annual salary.

MSql was another option, but they have recently changed their licensing -
$250 per user for commercial software. (I have this via word of mouth, so
stand to be corrected).

PostGreSql has more documentation, language features, and is free (as far as
I know). I have yet to test it sufficiently, but the specs look good.
Currently once accesses the server with Delphi via ODBC.

So - the easiest way to build db support into Lazarus would be to port the
Free Interbase Components, and provide initial functionality for Interbase.
I suspect that the code would port relatively easily to PostGreSql.

Personally, I like the layer that the BDE provides, as it allows one to
easily change types of server / server via an alias - no need to change
components. I wonder how this could be handled....

As an afterthought, I would not miss TTable / dbase / paradox support.


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