[lazarus] Language support

Daniel dcoquette at cylande.com
Fri Jul 23 03:32:49 EDT 1999

-> It's always hard and trickous to translate an application when the development tool is not provided with translation facilities. This problem can be solve with powerful tools (but it's worth 50,000$ for the easiest to use and deploy !) or by implementaing this translations in the application layers. This last solution must be apply to every project that need translation, so it's heavy.

Translation of an application has multiple goals to achieve :
1) translation of messages in "text" (or caption, or over) properties : All messages that are directly entered on object browser in IDE.
2) translation of messages that are in source code (such as strings used for error messages like "ShowMessage('File missing'))
3) Date, time, currency, number format.
4) Translated messages reusability, so that already translated messages could be used by al lot of application without translating them again (I think "Exit" will be encountered quiet a number of times in a lot of application :-).
5) Certainly, I'm not exhaustive. :-(

Q1: Is it plan to introduce translation facilities in Lazarus ?

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