[lazarus] RPM Install

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Mon May 10 15:53:35 EDT 1999

I abourted my attemp to compile the binary.  I am having a path problem on my system that involves me moving stuff back and forth.  First it said it couldn't find systemh.inc so I solved that, now it said ...hmmm...some other file.  I'm going to work on the code and Cliff or someone else can create the binary. 

My talents (limited) are better served working on the code instead of messing with Linux which I don't fuilly understand yet.

When the binary is updated, let me know.

>>> Peter Vreman <pfvreman at wins.uva.nl> 05/10 2:44 PM >>>
At 19:25 10-5-99 , you wrote:
>Looks like I will be doing alot of system reconfiguring tonight....
>Once I get upgraded I will move lazarus to the 1.2 codebase.
>After I complete this I am going to build a RPM that will install lazarus,
>fcl, compiler and the GTK. I will check everything for required files etc.
>If I do this am I going to have to install to a different directory than

I think we should create different RPM's which all depend on eachother


and then you can depend lazarus on the needed rpm's. When everything works 
fine we can even create .rpm snapshots.

And .deb's ofcourse ;)

>Should I keep our stuff separated, I think that I probably should to avoid
>conflicts. I can then control
>what we are using to avoid compatibility problems. Lazarus will ultimately
>pass all the switches and paths to the compiler vs using the config unit
>because those settings are in the project file.
>We probably should coordinate this with the FPC fellas. If I do this
>correctly it will allow easy setup
>for someone who does not care to use lazarus but just want's the compiler.
>Hopefully this will end most of the New User Problems once and for all....
Except if they still choose to download the .tar.gz instead of the .rpm :)

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