[lazarus] Cliff how should I do this

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu May 13 16:40:29 EDT 1999

The latest lazarus code can be downloaded from 


This is the code converted by me to 1.2.1, however, remember when I try to link I get errors and I'm not sure why.  I assume it's due to my system.


>>> "Michael A. Hess" <mhess at miraclec.com> 05/13 3:16 PM >>>
Cliff Baeseman wrote:
> I am calling what Shane has the official version.  If we can we need
> to get his latest into the CVS.

Can we get it into CVS so I can get it tonight or can it be made
available for me to download from someplace?
> BTW I sure like the gnome text editors better than using KDevelop. I
> can open every file if I wish to.

It's nice but the IDE will be great!

What is your opinion overall, GNOME vs. KDE.

(This isn't too be a flame debate I just want a simple observation from
a KDE user, I have never used KDE so I don't have an opinion.)

> If you are going to work Tapplication I will work on the compiler
> options form this evening. We may have to do a little work to get the
> component tree stable again after the 1.2 conversion. I will have to
> work with AddControl this evening a little before starting...

Fine with me.   :-)

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com 

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