[lazarus] New stuff commited

Cliff Baeseman Cliff.Baeseman at Greenheck.Com
Fri May 14 17:12:06 EDT 1999

Looks like I am going to have some catching up to do tonight.

Looking forward to adding a compile button this weekend....



-----Original Message-----
From: Michael A. Hess [mailto:mhess at miraclec.com]
Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 3:50 PM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: Re: [lazarus] New stuff commited

Shane Miller wrote:
> You forgot to commit (add) GUIAPI.  HAve to do that otherwise no one
> will be able to compile....
> Please inform us when complete......I think you do a cvs add GUIAPI.PP

Right you are. I remembered to remove application.pp but forgot to add
guiapi.pp. Sorry.

It's done.

By the way Shane I discovered some of why it is stopping during load. It
has to do with your using fmEditor instead of Self. In TEditor.OpenFile
you attempt to call a TMemo.Create(fmEditor) but you declared a local
variable called fmEditor and never initialized. When I use Self it works
and goes on a little farther, the windows stays open but TMemo seems to
crap out somehow and never loads the actual content or at least never
puts it in the windows.

==== Programming my first best destiny! ====

Michael A. Hess      Miracle Concepts, Inc.
mhess at miraclec.com   http://www.miraclec.com

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