[lazarus] CVS Updated

Michael Van Canneyt michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Tue May 25 05:51:07 EDT 1999

On Mon, 24 May 1999, Shane Miller wrote:

> CVS is updated with the latest.  Here's the issues.....
> 1). You have to change the declaration of gtk_shrink gtk_fill and gtk_expand to the 1.1 version of their declaration in gtkenums.pp in order for this to compile.
> 2) Run it, if you CAN open a file then go into the EDITOR.pp file and comment out line
>  number 337 (a writeln) and run it again.  Does it crash?  Mine does.
> Can anyone figure out why commenting out a WRITELN would cause it to crawsh? 

This would typically be related to ansistring problems :(


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