[lazarus] mwEditCustom bug / unit aliases work

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Thu Nov 4 21:26:32 EST 1999

On 04-Nov-99 Peter Vreman wrote:
> I can't reproduce the bug with mwCostumEdit with the incorrect assembler
> generated.
> When i compile lazarus i got first 'windows.ppu not found' bugs. After
> adding unit aliases to the compiler i got some other error in mwEdit
> Unit aliases work with -Ua<unit>=<newunit>

This is very cool. Somehow, I missed this when I went through the FPC
documentation. I didn't know FPC could do this. That gives us the unit alias
funcitonality that Delphi has. So we can use this to alias the LCLLinux unit
with the Windows unit when compiling under Linux. We can also use this with the
WinTypes and WinProcs units just like Delphi does. This is great and gives us
one more thing to be compatible with Delphi :-)


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