[lazarus] interface decls

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Tue Nov 30 00:15:22 EST 1999

Delphi has the interface files (.int) that are included with the standard
version (since you don't get the vcl source code). These contain the interface
definitions for all the vcl classes. But I don't know what the copyright issues
are with copying them. I don't know if we could copy them directly or not. Since
they are just interfaces, I can't imagine what the difference would be if we
copy them or type them ourselves :-) The only way we can be compatible
with Delphi is to provide the same interfaces. So either way the interfaces
will look the same. But I think someone should check before we copy them to
make sure we don't break any copyrights.

I agree with creating the interfaces and them implementing them as we go. That
is what I did with the TClipboard component. I just made sure I have all the
same method, function and property declarations as the original and then I
created blank methods. Then I will fill in the methods with code to implement
them as soon as I can.

I like the idea of putting in the assert calls into the methods so we can easily
tell what methods haven't been done yet.


On 29-Nov-99 Peter Vreman wrote:
> Can't we first create all the interface declarations of the VCL and 
> implement dummy methodes with assert() calls that it needs implementing?
> the interface things could then be placed in buttonsh.inc etc.
> Are there any Delphi files from which we can extract this info without 
> having the copyright issue?
> Peter

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