[lazarus] Lazarus hanging/crashing

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Tue Nov 30 09:30:05 EST 1999

Any idea when the bug in FPC concerning calling functions assigned by doing this:

OnPaint := @FORM1PAINT;

if Assigned(OnPaint) then

This still crashes as of yesterday.....


>>> Curtis White <osiriz at teleport.com> 11/24/99 12:08AM >>>
Speaking of keeping backups of earlier compilers....

I have a bash shell script (but it would run under KSH and other shells) that I
made that cleans everything up properly and builds the compiler and all the
other related parts. It keeps a copy of the compiler. About once a week or so,
I just go through and delete some of the older compilers. But by doing it this
way, I always have at least the last 5 compilers. So it is easy to use older
versions. It is a pretty decent little script for 2 minutes of work. It saves me
a ton of time. Anyway, if anyone wants a copy of this script, let me know and I
will send it to you.


On 23-Nov-99 Shane Miller wrote:
> Can you let us know when it's fixxed.  I changed the code to bypass the
> problem for now so we may not notice the fix right away.
> thanks again
> Shane
> P.S.  Anyone check out genetic-programming.org?  Interesting stuff...
>>>> <michael at tfdec1.fys.kuleuven.ac.be> 11/23/99 04:06PM >>>
> On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, Shane Miller wrote:
>> I agree it's in the compiler. I disabled the OPPAINT assignment and the
>> ONDESTROY assignment in lazarus (main.pp) and changed the
>> TControl(data).windowproc to dispatchs and now Lazarus runs!
>> There was something changed in the compiler that has stop functioning.  Can
>> someone on the compiler (FPC) end comment so we know you are looking into
>> this please......
> There is indeed a bug caused by a patch of Pierre Muller :(
> We are looking into it, because it disturbs lots of other things as well,
> please be patient while we try to fix it.
> And ALWAYS keep a backup of earlier compilers :-)
> Michael.

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