[lazarus] Editor

Curtis White osiriz at teleport.com
Sat Oct 16 17:26:49 EDT 1999

The KCL looks quite a bit different than our LCL, but I think we could probably
utilize some of the code from it.

I looked through the Kassandra code and I think we could use its editor with
just a few small changes. Most everything is self contained in the editor. The
only reference to the KCL that I could find was the TWidget class. When I
looked at that class, it looks very similar to our TCustomComponent class (it
inherits from TComponent). We could probably substitute our TCustomComponent for
TWidget and get the editor working with very few changes. 

I will work on this a bit more this afternoon and see if I can get it working.
If so, I will let everyone know and if we want, I can hook it up to Lazarus
and check it in (I can just rename the current editor file to something else
and check it in just in case we want/need to go back to it).

The URL to KCL and Kassandra is http://home.pages.de/~kcl/


On 16-Oct-99 Shane Miller wrote:
> I like the idea of using the same editor.  However, aren't our classes and
> implementation so different that it would require a lot of work?
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Shane Miller
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> ----------------------------------------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sebastian Günther <sguenther at gmx.de>
> To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
> Date: Saturday, October 16, 1999 12:22 PM
> Subject: Re: [lazarus] Editor
>>Curtis White wrote:
>>> I also looked through the Kassandra code and it looks to me like it would
> be
>>> pretty easy to convert over to work with Lazarus. It doesn't have as many
> fancy
>>> features as mwEdit, but I think we could have it going faster.
>>I can send you the latest source which has clipboard support, if you
>>want. We will need some time until the new KCL base is ready, and until
>>then Kassandra is stopped. BTW, I've talked with Florian about this
>>today and we both would like to see a common editor in all IDE's. I
>>would be glad if we could make this reality, because it will save us all
>>a lot of work.
>>- Sebastian
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Curtis White
Curtis White <osiriz at teleport.com>

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