[lazarus] Need opinion
Shane Miller
SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Tue Oct 26 09:00:20 EDT 1999
The Windows.pp file should be used in both Linux and Windows. If not, then
1) I need to put a {$IFDEF} in before the uses clause to remove the windows unit
2) How are yuou going to call some of these procedures when you are using windows? Remember, you DON'T have the delphi windows.pas file UNLESS you are writing your Apps under Delphi!
The Windows.pp file has to be made for both environmewnts and has tro contain a {$IFDEF LINUX} or {$IFDEF WIN32} or something to that effect.
>>> Florian Klaempfl <Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de> 10/26/99 07:29AM >>>
Marc Weustink wrote:
> At 15:44 25-10-99 -0500, Shane Miller wrote:
> >In the MWEDIT source, they call some WINAPI calls like GETKEYSTATE and
> >
> >Where should I put these? MWEDIT expects them in a windows.pas (or .pp)
> file but I would assume that once we write them, we would allow Linux users
> to use them so I could put them in a linux.pp file, but them mwedit doesn't
> find them.
> >
> >Any simple way around this? Should I just write it twice, once in the
> windows.pp file and once in the linux.pp file because you would assume that
> if they are using windows.pp they WOULDN'T be using Linux.pp
> Nah, I dont think this is the way. I t should be just one file. This way
> you introduce platform specific files. Maybe we can see it as an
> (OS)windows file in stead odf an (MS)windows file ?
But don't name it windows.pp! This will lead to conflicts with existing
the windows.pp. What about a simple lclbase.pp?
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