[lazarus] FPC Problem running today

Peter Vreman pfv at cooldown.demon.nl
Wed Oct 27 10:10:22 EDT 1999

At 14:13 27-10-99 , you wrote:
>Peter, it's still occuring.
>When you have a class with a property like Caption (in TCOntrol) and try 
>to specifiy it again in TCustomForm like below, it thinks you are defining 
>a new variable and wants a TYPE like TCaption.  What it should do is look 
>at the parent class (and it's parents) and see if that variable 
>exists.  If so, they are the same variable.
>It had worked until I pulled from CVS yesterday.
>If you are looking for code, simply compile our forms.pp.
That was all i needed to know, where i could find a file which reproduced 
the bug.



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