[lazarus] My opinions

Florian Klaempfl Florian.Klaempfl at gmx.de
Thu Oct 28 04:46:20 EDT 1999

Shane Miller wrote:
> This looks like a very interesting method of doing this.  I am a bit confused on how we will set it up to use the right gtkgraphint, or win32graphint, or qtgraphint.  How will the compiler know which one to use?  It seemed to me that the ???graphint.pp was the lowest class (child) so there wasn't anything above it that yuou could do a defines on.

tabstractgraphinterface is the parent class of all gui specific class and that's
the type of the graphint variable, the graphint variable is inittialized
in the gui specific interface unit.

> Please just explain that to me.  I think once you explain it I'll probably agree with your method and we can push towards that eventually.

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