[lazarus] Q: Current progress
Shane Miller
smiller at lakefield.net
Sun Sep 12 18:15:19 EDT 1999
I have been busy lately, on maternity leave (equal rights!) so I haven't
been doing much. Now that the keydown problem has been hopefully fixed, I
will slowly make progress again, probably starting Monday or so......will
cycle a new compiler to see if everything works, then hopefully get the
editor up and running.
I can get the editor to work, depending on the font selected. If I could
gaurantee a font to be installed on the user's system, I could work with
just that font and that would make it a ton easier...at least for now.
Shane Miller
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-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Hille <stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org>
To: lazarus at miraclec.com <lazarus at miraclec.com>
Date: Sunday, September 12, 1999 6:45 AM
Subject: [lazarus] Q: Current progress
>I've noticed that the cvs is updated rarely these days. Does this mean
>we're all too busy with other stuff or has the last discussion stopped
>Specially I'd like to know the status of the following issues:
> 1. Is anybody working on the new approach with an eventbox?
> 2. Should further development be delayed until 1 is ready for use?
> 3. What's the status of TBitMap?
> 4. What about TToolBar?
>Since I'd like to port one of my program's soon I've some special interest
>in TToolbar and TBitmap. Although I'm quite busy at the moment I'd start
>working on these if nobody else is already doing that.
> Stefan
>Stefan Hille email: stoppok at osibisa.ms.sub.org
>48155 Muenster voice: 0251/664695
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