[lazarus] Inprise Conference

Baeseman, Cliff Cliff.Baeseman at greenheck.com
Wed Apr 12 09:50:50 EDT 2000

They don't relize that they actually moved Silicon Valley to Wisconsin?  He

Wonder if they could get accustomed to our accent Shane. They might not know
what we mean by saying run the ole ppc386 compiler der hey.

Cliff Baeseman
There is nothing wrong with Windows 2000 that LINUX won't fix!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Miller [mailto:SMiller1 at stvgb.org]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2000 8:19 AM
To: lazarus at miraclec.com
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Inprise Conference

I am not going.  I may send some of my programmers though.

Speaking of this conference, when is everyone going to come to Wisconsin and
get together with Cliff and I?  Cliff and I both live in Wisconsin so we can
meet in the middle somewhere.  :-)


>>> vbman at pcpros.net 04/11/00 11:12PM >>>
Shane are you going to go???

BTW I just got the damn QT events working again.


On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Shane Miller wrote:
> Check out Inprise's info about the conference.  It has a ton of Linux
> including the intro to Kylix.   This conference is in July so they must
> to be done/close by then.
> http://www.inprise.com/conf2000/tracks/platforms/linux.html 
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