[lazarus] Win32 howto - dies at make clean

Jarto Tarpio jarto at starsoft.fi
Wed Apr 12 13:11:47 EDT 2000

> You probaby don't have a C:\pp\source\lazarus\lcl\interfaces dir

Well I do have it. I also checked out everything again to make sure 
I didn't do anything wrong. Still I can't cycle the compiler or compile 
lazarus on Win32.

junk.bat contains this after "make -n >junk.bat"

c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C lcl all
make.exe[1]: Entering directory `c:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl'
rm -f allunits.exe
c:/pp/bin/win32/make.exe -C interfaces all
make.exe: Entering an unknown directory
make.exe: Leaving an unknown directory
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `c:/pp/source/lazarus/lcl'

The error was:
C:\pp\source\lazarus>make -n >junk.bat
make.exe: *** interfaces: No such file or directory (ENOENT).  
make.exe[1]: *** [interfaces_all] Error 2
make.exe: *** [lcl_all] Error 2


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