[lazarus] QT Interface cycling problem

codepunk vbman at pcpros.net
Thu Apr 13 20:56:07 EDT 2000

Hi all anyone got a clue about this one. I got a qt interface to compile clean
with just empty procedures in it. I compiled the hello world example and that
compiled with out a hitch. Pretty wild compiling empty vcl code. But any how I
have this problem that when I run hello I am getting the below error in a
continuous loop.

Is there some place where you may be running a loop that is causing this?


[TWinControl.GetHandle] THELLO()
trace:[TWinControl.InitializeWnd]  THELLO
TODO: [TWinControl.InitializeWnd] move this code to the interface
[TWinControl.GetHandle] THELLO()
trace:[TWinControl.InitializeWnd]  THELLO
TODO: [TWinControl.InitializeWnd] move this code to the interface
[TWinControl.GetHandle] THELLO()
trace:[TWinControl.InitializeWnd]  THELLO
TODO: [TWinControl.InitializeWnd] move this code to the interface

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