[lazarus] Compiler working

Curtis White cwhite at aracnet.com
Tue Apr 18 01:02:00 EDT 2000

I will get this working with the compiler options.  I also think I will move the code to the compiler.pp unit. That way the compiler code will be all contained in the TCompiler class.

I am thinking that I will create a button or something on the Compiler Options dialog that will allow people to save out the options to an options file that they can then pass to the compiler if they want to. If they don't do that and just set the compiler options, then it will call the compiler
directly and pass the options to it from the Compiler Options dialog.

I would also like to use the fpcmake utility somehow to allow the developers to create a make file directly from within Lazarus. Maybe we should include a Tools menu like Delphi does that developers can add their own tools to.  Or we could just add it to the Project Options menu to Create


Shane Miller wrote:

> I created the initial code for the compiler.  To try it, do the following:
> Run lazarus.
> Go into Compiler Options and set your compiler path.
> Select Project New.
> Select Project Build.  You will have to save your project somewhere previous to building.
> The problem I see is that the Compiler Messages dialog doesn't update while compiling.  The messages just don't get to it while the other process is running.  Not sure what to do about that.
> Curtis, you can change the code to improve it.  Also, feel free to add all the options to the command line or to a message file and add the message file to the command line.
> I think we are pretty close to being able to announce version 0.5 or something.  I need a few things fixed yet.
> There are problems yet when you save.  For example if you save the project as something other that Project1 then the source should get updated.  Also, the same goes for other units.  This would be a good thing for someone to try.  It should be pretty easy.....just building a parser really......
> Shane

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