[lazarus] i'm confused...

dvortex dvortex at netcourrier.com
Sun Apr 30 02:05:41 EDT 2000

Hey guys.. can someone explain me how to use the GetPropList stuff ?
I don't quite grab the principle of it.

when i first looked at it, i though i would just pass an object to it (or
something like that) and that it would return some list of pointers to
different properties and methods ?!? now it doesn't make sense to me...

is it just a matter of having: 

  tempPropInfo: TPropInfo;
  tempPropList: TPropList;


{ we want to inspect a class}
  tempPropInfo.DataKind := dtTClass;
{ the instance that is called "Object1" }
  tempPropInfo.Name := 'Object1';

  GetPropInfos( @TempPropInfo, @tempPropList);

and then play with tempPropList ?

Is that corrent ?
(if it is, then i am not far from having something working .. need some
testing now, but should be there :o)

I gave up on the "load/save XML for now". i want to have the inspector
part working as soon as possible, and i'm sure that between me and you, we
will be able to wipe this in a couple days :o)

ok, waiting for the answer on that and i'll be working on that tomorow.


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