[lazarus] Can't build larzarus...

Marc Weustink weus at quicknet.nl
Sun Apr 30 14:59:25 EDT 2000

At 14:28 30-04-2000 -0400, Frank Ramsay wrote:
>I just downloaded the source for Lazarus to give it a try.  But I can't 
>get it to compile. :(
>I installed the (binary) rpm for FPC (0.99.14-1)
>I have the entire FPC package library (which compiled and installed fine)
>What happens is this.  When I type make it starts off fine (although it
>does have a bunch of unused parameter warnings) but when it gets to building
>compiler.pp it can't find the unit PROCESS.

Did you do a make in the rtl, fpc, packages/gtk dir ??


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