[lazarus] CVS newbie

Curtis White cwhite at aracnet.com
Wed Aug 9 21:37:26 EDT 2000

Peter Vreman wrote:

> >
> >I used the settings in the howto:
> >SET CVSROOT=:pserver:cvs at cvs.freepascal.org:/FPC/CVS
> >and now I have tried yours to but gets exactly the same message.
> >
> >We are using a proxi server here with firewall,
> >I don't know any more...
> When you connect using a proxy server then you can't use CVS. At my job i
> can also only download http and ftp. And not sending anything except forms
> for html pages.

I suspect that the reason you are having problems is that you need to get
your firewall administrator to open the proper TCP/IP port in order for you
to be able to access CVS through the firewall. Our firewall at work only
allows a few protocols through and if we want to use something special, like
CVS, then the firewall administrators must open the port specifically for
that. The default port for CVS is 2401. I think that most CVS installations
use this port. So if that port is enabled through your firewall, then you
should be able to connect to CVS.

BTW, the reason you can't ping through the firewall is probably the same.
Your company most likely does not allow UDP packets through the firewall, so
you cannot ping. You can find out if this is true by trying to ping any other
internet address (try "ping sun.com") and see if it returns nothing as


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