[lazarus] Lazarus on freebsd

Marc Weustink Marc.Weustink at cuperus.nl
Fri Dec 15 08:00:18 EST 2000

+ From: marcov at toad.stack.nl [mailto:marcov at toad.stack.nl]On Behalf Of
+ After these changes (and seeing each build compiling the LCL three
+ times ??!) lazarus compiles.

That's to solve a compiler problem. make compiles the LCL in fact 6 times.
If I didn't add this, the compiler thinks a unit it just had compiled has to
be compiled again. If you turn on some verbose messages, you would see the
number of units it compiles each step reduces.

+ However when I run the binary I get:
+ LM_SCREENINIT called --> should go to GTKObject.Init
+ TODO: check this

Thats all you see ? This message was only a reminder for me that the
following code maybe should go  GTKObject.Init.

After that the IDE is created.


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