[lazarus] Lazarus on freebsd

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Fri Dec 15 09:00:04 EST 2000

> + However when I run the binary I get:
> +
> + LM_SCREENINIT called --> should go to GTKObject.Init
> + TODO: check this
> Thats all you see ? This message was only a reminder for me that the
> following code maybe should go  GTKObject.Init.
> After that the IDE is created.

I also see the object inspector and a splash screen flash.
Does Lazarus use threading/Clone?
That part is as yet untested.

I'll try to ktrace the program/compile with lineinfo and get more info

Marco van de Voort (MarcoV at Stack.nl or marco at freepascal.org)

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