[lazarus] ERROR On mwcustomedit
EPEL at ticket-restaurant.com
Wed Dec 20 11:21:32 EST 2000
Hi everyone and especially shane..
i've downloaded this morning you're latest version to try the newest
But there is a Pb In mwcustomedit when I try to compile.
Her is the error :
Compiling global.pp
Compiling .\comp\mwedit\mwcustomedit.pas
mwcustomedit.pas(1015,37) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
mwcustomedit.pas(1350,38) Hint: Parameter SENDER not used
mwcustomedit.pas(1726,16) Error: identifier idents no member SETCANVAS
mwcustomedit.pas(1726,25) Error: Illegal expression
mwcustomedit.pas(1726,25) Fatal: Syntax error, ; expected but ( found
make.exe[1]: *** [lazarus.exe] Error 1
make.exe[1]: Leaving directory `d:/pp/lazarus'
make.exe: *** [ide] Error 2
in fact the error line at 1726 is :
so i've looked on mwHighlighter unit to see this method.
and there is no implementation of this method because this methode is
declared as
can you explain me you can compile ?
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