[lazarus] CVS Committed

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Wed Dec 20 15:47:56 EST 2000

I added TWinControl.GetChildren for Mattias

I setup Lazarus so when you load a unit (FIL E- OPEN) and you go to PROJECT - BUILD it'll compile whatever unit is active on the Notebook that displays your code.  For example, if you run Lazarus and go to FILE - OPEN and select Lazarus.pp and then go to PROJECT - BUILD it'll try and compile lazarus.  You should first make sure that in VIEW - COMPILER OPTIONS that the path to your compiler is correct oterwise you get an error and Lazarus crashes.

Note:  If you try to compile Lazarus while Lazarus is running it'll tell you that it can't create the file Lazarus becuse it's open.  So, I copied Lazarus to a differnet name and ran it that way.
This way you can do a little development in Lazarus (very little).


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