[lazarus]download. usage

Shane Miller SMiller1 at stvgb.org
Thu Feb 10 09:20:08 EST 2000

We don't compile the .dfm's.  Currently our IDE is under construction so it's not quite ready to compile the .dfm's for you.  What you can do is copy the code over to linux and compile it.  It'll compile but you have to do certain things that the IDE would normally do for you like auto CREATEing the components, assigning Events (e.g. OnCreate := FORMCREATE) etc.

We would be happy to accept your help in finishing the IDE on linux though if interested.


>>> zint at idas.de 02/10/00 03:55AM >>>
P.G. Zint
Holzheimer Str. 96
D-65549 Limburg

I am creating Delphi programs on Windows. I want to create a Linux
version of some of them. Therefore, I tried to use Lazarus. 

Let me first tell you what I did. On Windows I compiled with the
command line version ppc383.exe (download Lazarus Installer 4.3Meg).
I found a lot of problems and errors:
- No compilation of *.dfm
- Missing units Message, ExtCrtls ...
- Missings classes TImage ...
- Positioning errors in TMenuBar, TEdit, TMemo ...
- Missing Features (Font in TForm ...)
- and so on
Netherless, it was possible to produce a Lazarus program running
on Windows. Then I tried to download a Lazarus compiler for Linux.
(alternative download Lazarus LCL and IDE code 200kb). The requested
URL /~vbman/lazarus.zip was not found on the server.

Therefore, I would be glad, if you could tell me, what to do for
creating a Linux version of a Delphi program. For example, I never
saw any "real" Lazarus IDE.

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