[lazarus] Priority...

Marc Weustink weus at quicknet.nl
Sun Feb 13 05:33:27 EST 2000

Just got back from my ski trip so a bit late reply:

At 07:05 09-02-2000 -0600, Shane wrote:
>I think we should look at removing all the writeln's that are slowing 
>Lazarus down.  It is most evident in the loading of a file into the 
>mwedit component (at least I hope that's why it's slow).  

I think the main problem of the slow loading of the editor is the way the
editor uses fonts. For every change of style a new font is created (and
destroyed (I hope)). I had this problem also when loading a few lines when
I used a (slow) remote fontserver. When I swiched back to a lokal server,
it loaded much faster.
I can imagine that on larger files this slows down.

>Let's get those removed and use the trace or an ifdef.  
>We need to see if that's whats slowing Lazarus down so much.

Most of my writelns are for temporary tracing. When I fixed something I'll
remve them or change them to a trace.


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