[lazarus] no method in an ancestor class

Bernd Jürgens bernd at promedico.com
Mon Jan 10 15:12:46 EST 2000

Hello Shane,

thanks for your reply.

> update your sources once.  Go into your Lazarus directory 
> and do an cvs update.  Seems your extctrls.pp file may 
> be out of date.  If that doesn't work, delete that 
> file and do the update to make sure it pulls it.

I deleted the file and did cvs to get a new one. Still the same.
I even deleted the whole tree and did a cvs checkout. 

Compiler error is:

> extctrls.pp(77,6) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be

extctrls.pp contains:

  TPage = class(TCustomControl)
    fPageCaption: TLabel;
    procedure CreateWnd; override;
    procedure ReadState(Reader: TAbstractReader); override;
    procedure Paint;

The hierarchy descends like this:
TPage -> TCustomControl -> TWinControl -> TControl -> TComponent.

In classesinc.h we find the declaration 

TComponent = class(TPersistent)      
procedure ReadState(Reader: TAbstractReader); virtual;          

and it´s built correct:
bernd at lara:/opt/fpc/lazarus/lcl > objdump --syms ../../fcl/linux/classes.o |
00007a30 g     F .text  00000007

What´s wrong ?

Bernd Juergens

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